I am new here. I am a christian. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and because of His shed blood and death on the cross my sins are forgiven and when I die I am going to be with Him. Do I preach this, no I live it. I thank God everyday for the things He has given me. When people ask how I can be so up, I tell them how God does this for me. He can see you through it all, knows your problem before you know you have one. I have never been a JW but have a son who is studying. Something I know God has control over too!
Concerned Mom
JoinedPosts by Concerned Mom
Do you still preach?
by Theocrat inmany here are not jehovah's witnesses anymore because of one reason or another, but do you still preach?
do you still think that it is important for a christian to preach?
just wondering.
Who's Empty?
by HadEnuf ini feel sorry for that empty dude who is always alone in chat.
he must enjoy talking to himself....hmmm...kind of like me!
cathy l.
Concerned Mom
I am new here. Never been a JW or have any intentions of becoming one, but I feel empty right now, so I thought maybe some one out there would read this and could relate. I am a mom of four, all being sent to christian school, stay at home mom, and blessed to be one, very supportive husband. One of our children, is going to marry a JW. My heart is breaking at the change I see in him. The person who he is marrying has lied about so many things in the last four years of dating our son. He has been made aware of these lies and still stays with her. He is such a loving and caring person, was always there for family functions, but not now. Doesn't want birthday cards anymore, wasn't around for Christmas and Easter, didn't call me on New Year's to wish me a Happy New Year. I know all these things are not important, just stuff I am used too. As he tells me now they are pagan holidays. To me his birth is a day for me as his mom to remember. The day God put that precious little boy in my arms. Unreal to me, such a change. We have been back and forth about so many things, one being the Trinity, where he is going when he dies and why, so many things he has been taught growing up attending Sunday School and Church, AWANA, Christian Brigade he is convinced now are not true.
If anyone else has been through this with a child. He really is a grown man, 25 years old. Could you please tell me how you handled this. I am on my knees so much more now. Thanks for listening.